The road ahead!

The road ahead!

After our lovely March we are back in Panama! So wonderful to leave the snow and the politics behind. Yesterday was a long day. With a 3am start we slogged with our 8 suitcases through Pearson to board with our 3 fur babies. Sadly Josie was too old to safely make the trip but has settled beautifully in with a family friend who has a senior cat of her own. Tips for a successful cat trip: – Bach’s Rescue Remedy…

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Day 30 & 31 – And so it ends

Day 30 & 31 – And so it ends

We looked at a lot of fun things to do for our last day and a half and in the end decided to spend our time soaking in the sun and chilling by the pool. Things we excel at and won’t get for a while at home. Jet Skiing and 4 wheeling will have to wait until next time. It is amazing how much there is to do in such a small country but we are leaving with more to…

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Day 29

Day 29

SO Day 28 disappeared into the ether, lost in a lovely haze of sunshine and pool fun. Since we have precious little time left we wanted to do something special so we booked tickets to head over to Taboga Island. Taboga Island, aka Island of the Flowers, is a volcanic island about 20 km off the coast of Panama City. The ferry itself is a bit of an experience. Its a 30 minute ride through the queue of ships in…

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Days 24 – 27

Days 24 – 27

Saw my sister, Addie and Rita off yesterday, it was so good to see them and I’m glad they were able to join us. Excluding our amazing visitors from home, Coronado is arguably the most boring place in Panama. Either that or we have gotten too tired to look for new adventures. Spent the last few days mostly at the pool relaxing and having fun. Like a classic all inclusive vacation except you have to pay for everything and the…

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Day 23 – Monkeying around

Day 23 – Monkeying around

I will apologize in advance for a longer than usual blog post but we have internet back and yesterday was EPIC! We started off with a 5am wake up call to take a 2 hour and 4 minute drive to Gamboa. Gamboa is primarily a natural reserve that has sprung up on the coast of the Panama Canal. It is there to protect the jungles and wildlife that border the canal from the potential ravages of being a global shipping…

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Day 22 – Fun in the sun

Day 22 – Fun in the sun

Sooo we have hit our first Manana lifestyle problem. Our router is broken and we are getting the usual service you get when you need a new router (be there tomorrow between 8 and midnight) with the addition of a general you have no other choice attitude where they take days to show up between 8 and midnight. Starlink is up but we have no way to mount it on the roof since this is a rental so service is…

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Day 20 and 21 – Catching up

Day 20 and 21 – Catching up

So glad to see my sister Amanda! I’ve missed my BFF! Also great to see my niece Addie and my friend Rita (who doesn’t read my blog :). They have a rental in Paradise Point just a few streets over from us and we have been having a great time exploring the area. It’s been a chill couple of days with the usual rounds of shopping and unpacking. We checked out the swimming pool in the day time and Cal…

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Day 19 – New Horizons

Day 19 – New Horizons

Between work and a long drive to our new destination there wasn’t a lot of time for pics but we did manage to have some fun. As much as we loved Boquete and surrounding it was onwards and downwards for us today as we drove back down from the mountains and into the beachy heat of Nuevo Gorgona. My day started early to take calls whilst the family snoozed so we were a bit late getting to our destination in…

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Day 18 – Simple Pleasures

Day 18 – Simple Pleasures

Funny how the weeks fly by when you are on a fact finding mission / Vacation / Road trip in a foreign country. Tomorrow we depart the mountains and leave Potrerillos in our figurative dust. Since we had packing and cleaning to do today something simple and fun seemed to be in order. In keeping with the theme of uncovering things that we love doing at home I dug up a local public pool and we were off to see…

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Day 17 – More things to jump off of

Day 17 – More things to jump off of

There are a lot of cool places in Panama but this has to top the list. Easier to access than the waterfalls that dot the countryside these canyons were carved out by lava flow and then filled with a river that runs from the mountains to the Pacific. It goes through Boquete and is wonderfully warm and gentle to swim in. Even the rocks on the bottom and fish that stalked me around eating the sunblock off my legs were…

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