Day 20 and 21 – Catching up

Day 20 and 21 – Catching up

So glad to see my sister Amanda! I’ve missed my BFF! Also great to see my niece Addie and my friend Rita (who doesn’t read my blog :). They have a rental in Paradise Point just a few streets over from us and we have been having a great time exploring the area.

It’s been a chill couple of days with the usual rounds of shopping and unpacking. We checked out the swimming pool in the day time and Cal showed off his new Euchre skills. Kid is a shark.

Today we got up early to hit the beach before the sun became too punishing. I have to admit the black sand beach was not as pretty as I hoped and of course I was stung by a jelly fish almost immediately. It seriously swam right past Rita and slashed my ankle. We have decided that I am on a wanted poster in some sort of jelly fish police station or maybe they get points for me. Better me than Addie though and we cleared off the beach. We are thinking about driving to the Caribbean side this weekend to poke around a bit, stay tuned.

During the afternoon we went on a crusade to find a Vegan joint Amanda was interested in. It was well off the beaten past but totally worth it. Cal finally got the Veggie burger he was looking for and Addie found lizards, which she is always looking for. Overall a worthy outing which was weirdly devoid of a coffee stop but we did find an organics store with many expensive vegan products. Just goes to show that Vegan cheese is overpriced everywhere, nice to see that some things never change.

2 thoughts on “Day 20 and 21 – Catching up

  1. Glad to see you are all having fun. and you all made to the new digs and seem to be enjoying them. Can’t wait to see you all again and hear your stories first hand.

  2. Look! I’m reading your blog as promised! Thanks for letting us crash your vacation, it’s been a blast so far with more to come.

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