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Days 15 and 16 – Lovely and Quiet

Days 15 and 16 – Lovely and Quiet

One of the challenges of our current place in Potrerillos is the internet. It is dreadful and slow in our rental, to be honest despite its beauty this house is arguably one of the worst air bnb properties I have ever had. Phil assures me that if we make a move to this area he will make sure we have good and stable internet so that I can work and blog reliably. I’m assuming we also won’t have an old…

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Day 14 – Connor in Paradise

Day 14 – Connor in Paradise

Between surfing and rock climbing this has been Connor’s happy place. Trust my kid to visit a country where everything is super cheap and find the two most expensive hobbies to fall in love with. He is definitely in his element on this wall. In the end he scaled it 5 times at ropes from easy to impossible. Honestly they all looked impossible to me. I have to give full credit to Cal as well on this one. He did…

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Day 13 – Random Stuff and Nonsense

Day 13 – Random Stuff and Nonsense

Today was lots of fun. There were a few things on my list and it was a good day for a pile of miscellany. Phil and I got up early and drove into Boquete to explore downtown without constant complaining about too much walking or the boring places that Mom likes to explore. We targeted the Tuesday Farmer’s market, a gathering of various vendors that happens every Tuesday near the bridge that spans the river that passes through the centre…

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Day 12 – Nothing much

Day 12 – Nothing much

Taking a down day today while Connor started back to his school work to make sure he doesn’t fall behind and to accommodate the plumber who came by to fix the toilets. Thank goodness he left the one he replaced in the middle of the yard, it needed a little of that trailer trash vibe to interrupt all that natural beauty. With not much going on I thought I would share a little about life in Panama and do a…

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Day 11 – Worth the wait!

Day 11 – Worth the wait!

We finally found it! The mysterious and elusive waterfall of awesomeness, and I do mean awesome. Through a combination of google satellite images and tips from locals we were finally able to chart a course that our poor clown car could handle. That is not to say that the path was without potholes or hills. Some of the potholes were so big that they could have swallowed the car whole but they were easily navigated around and the car handled…

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Day 10 – Chinese food is less fun than a waterfall

Day 10 – Chinese food is less fun than a waterfall

A bit of a rocky start to the day. We quickly discovered three thing about our Air BNB. Despite all that we soldiered forward to check out the Waterfalls that I have been dreaming of for months only to find that the inroads were very rocky and Phil was wildly uncomfortable with taking the rental on them. No waterfall for me. That fine when the 4:00 rain started I stood in the downspout from the roof and imagined really hard….

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Day 9 – The long road to Potrerillos

Day 9 – The long road to Potrerillos

Much to the boys’ deep chagrin we left our Pedasi home bright and early, and to their much deeper chagrin I forced them to pose with the Pedasi sign on our way out the door. In my defense I had asked for that pose several times over the last 9 days. After forcing them to smile prettily we climbed back into the clown car and started the 5 hour drive to Potrerillos. The temperature dropped as our altitude climbed and…

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Day 8 – Viva la Gourmand

Day 8 – Viva la Gourmand

Our finally day in Pedasi, thank goodness this wasn’t our whole trip because it definitely went by too quickly. For our last day I wanted to take a trip to the beach but was quickly stung by another freaking jellyfish. They are apparently spawning right now. For those who know me best you know if there is a jelly fish nearby it has a mandate to rush over and sting me immediately. I must have been something that eats jelly…

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Day 7 – Playita Resort

Day 7 – Playita Resort

Back to the beach today. This lovely little resort is in a cove near Playa Venao, where the boys went surfing. It’s very sheltered making for fresh calm water and some cool coral that had no fish. It is stunning how quickly the tide comes in here. When we arrived the water was waist deep before you hit coral, an hour late you could have a deep water swim. So water here is like weather at home, if you don’t…

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Day 5 & 6 – Hi ho hi ho

Day 5 & 6 – Hi ho hi ho

A slow couple of days. The good news is that everything worked just fine including Phil and I. Lots of Zoom calls and networks to access and nary a glitch. Not the best pictures but it was lovely to set up on the patio and enjoy the fresh air and bird songs while being a productive member of society. We also heard the truck guy. Sadly I wasn’t fast enough to get a picture because I didn’t recognize truck guy…

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