Day 7 – Playita Resort

Back to the beach today. This lovely little resort is in a cove near Playa Venao, where the boys went surfing. It’s very sheltered making for fresh calm water and some cool coral that had no fish. It is stunning how quickly the tide comes in here. When we arrived the water was waist deep before you hit coral, an hour late you could have a deep water swim. So water here is like weather at home, if you don’t like it come back in an hour and it will have changed.
The resort is a bit more rustic than our destinations thus far and we saw a bit more wildlife. I was fully obsessed with this iguana. Being that we are in the land of the literally named animals he is actually known as a Green Iguana. Clearly they missed his yellow hands cause that would have changed the whole thing up! We saw a Brown Tree Iguana but he was so fast and gone before I got my camera out, he was brown and in a tree though if you want to imagine him. I’m assuming the bird is a Not Too Short Chases Dogs bird.