Day 8 – Viva la Gourmand

Day 8 – Viva la Gourmand

Our finally day in Pedasi, thank goodness this wasn’t our whole trip because it definitely went by too quickly.

For our last day I wanted to take a trip to the beach but was quickly stung by another freaking jellyfish. They are apparently spawning right now. For those who know me best you know if there is a jelly fish nearby it has a mandate to rush over and sting me immediately. I must have been something that eats jelly fish in a previous life. The only exception is if my Dad is in the water, then the Jelly Fish swims right past and nabs him first giving me ample time to escape. Instead we tried out a few restaurants that had been on our hit list since we got here.

First off I finally caught Truck Guy! We definitely need this at home. He just rolls around peddling fresh fruit and veg. Very affordable and delicious. Then Cal and I were off to Panamaste for a delicious Vegan lunch, the highpoint of which was the Brownies. Date sweetened and gluten free you wouldn’t expect mindbogglingly delicious but there it is.

For dinner we hit Bistrot, a wonderful café owned by a Parisian couple. Hilarious that we both tried to speak Spanish to each other until we realized that we both spoke French. Things got much easier after that. I’m going to Foodie Hell for forgetting to take a pic of my entrée which was beautiful with cous cous and the best roasted pumpkin I have ever eaten. I even had a glow in the dark drink to toast our last night.

Overall a great town with some very cool things to recommend it, not the least of which is the perpetual sunshine. Tomorrow we are off to the mountains for a new adventure!

2 thoughts on “Day 8 – Viva la Gourmand

  1. I wonder what Canada truck guy would sell?!? Apples and potatoes? Lol!

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