Day 12 – Nothing much

Taking a down day today while Connor started back to his school work to make sure he doesn’t fall behind and to accommodate the plumber who came by to fix the toilets. Thank goodness he left the one he replaced in the middle of the yard, it needed a little of that trailer trash vibe to interrupt all that natural beauty. With not much going on I thought I would share a little about life in Panama and do a bit of mundane nosing about.
Since grocery shopping is wildly different here we toddled off to David, the largest city in our direct proximity to see what some of the bigger stores looked like. Well we didn’t make it. The David traffic and general driving insanity made Montreal look like Milton. The roads were oddly built with strange X shaped intersections and unclear stop signs. Obviously the city never meant to see the volume of drivers that it currently hosts on a daily basis, many of whom learned to dodge potholes not pedestrians. We backed away slowly with our hands in the air and settled for exploring the new mall on the edge of town, having been lured in by the vague suggestion of a Costco.
Turns out El Costo is like Zellers not Costco so still no affordable Almond Milk for me but it was nice to see that many of the little day to day things we would need to buy, like spoons and printers, were available in abundance and at a much better price though with a smaller selection. Also Callum found escalators (a guilty pleasure) that were extra long to accommodate the super high ceilings that are common here.
I’ve also included a video of our daily rain shower. In Pedasi we were in the dry arc. Even in the rainy season they don’t get a ton of rain. Not so in Boquete. They get rain year round here. During the dry season (December to March) it starts around 4 and ends around 6, we are transitioning to their wet season now so the rain in the video still starts around 4 and goes until 7 or 8. Honestly I love sitting on the patio and listening to it and we have started a nightly euchre game after dinner to enjoy the cool breeze and rainy night on the patio.
3 thoughts on “Day 12 – Nothing much”
Unlike your 4pm rain we are having 4pm snow – close but not as loud and a lot prettier. Most of it melts by lunch the next day so we are not getting huge banks. Same as you.
I will take rain over snow every day!
From what I’m hearing about traffic, a motorcycle is going to be a very handy conveyance in the cities. However, just not between 4-7pm during the dry season. ..
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