Day 14 – Connor in Paradise

Day 14 – Connor in Paradise


Between surfing and rock climbing this has been Connor’s happy place. Trust my kid to visit a country where everything is super cheap and find the two most expensive hobbies to fall in love with. He is definitely in his element on this wall. In the end he scaled it 5 times at ropes from easy to impossible. Honestly they all looked impossible to me.

I have to give full credit to Cal as well on this one. He did not want to climb but he did anyway and tried like heck. He didn’t quite make it to the top after hitting a particularly smooth patch of rocks about 75% of the way of up but no one could have tried harder.

Phil and I took on the role of aggressive by standers sitting in the shade and chatting with the other parents. We met some very interesting people. I spent my time with a few Canadian couples who had been here for a while and learned about their experience so far. Got some great info on education and socialization for the kids. I also learned that I do not want to go any further up the mountain where they have Scorpions instead of spiders! I have no desire to have a scorpion in the house so no Volcan or Volcancito for us. Phil got into a very important conversation about firearms with a South African man and now wants to check out the gun store. What can I say? Some of us hunt for tofu and some hunt for firearms import permits. We have another trip to David planned for tomorrow after work so we can do both.

Everyone was starving after their exertions so we hit Taco Rudos, highly recommended by the local Vegan community. OMG! That Guac is a meal on its own and was so delicious and fresh, served with home made nachos, I imagine it would be even better when avocadoes come into season in a few months. Having said that the mushrooms were perfectly seasoned. I’m glad I had both even though I may never eat again!

One thought on “Day 14 – Connor in Paradise

  1. Between trips to the city for you and Phil, the zoo for Callum and rock climbing with Connor all of you seem to be making the most of the time you have in the area. We like the city and the zoo but are afraid that Connor would be climbing by himself. Neither one of us are fond of high places and having to climb a rope to get there would definitely make it a no.

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